
About Mahavakya Viveka Blog

Explaining the sublime knowledge of Advaita Vedanta in a simple and scientific way.

We have written a book called “Pearls of Vedic Wisdom to Succeed” where we have explained the basic as well as the key concepts of Advaita Vedanta in a detailed manner that can appeal to the people with modern education.

Understanding the Advaita philosophy clearly by hearing and reading gives one Paroksha Jnana (Indirect Knowledge).

The main purpose of this book is to help sincere seekers in a definitive manner to successfully attain the ultimate goal of Advaita which is Self-Realization. What exactly is Self-Realization is explained in a simple manner so that it could be clearly and comprehensively understood.

Incorporating the essence of all Advaita Vedanta texts and mainly inspired by the teachings of Ramana Maharshi, the book provides some extremely simple techniques of meditation that could be easily practiced with confidence and conviction to finally attain the Aparoksha Anubhuti (Direct Experience) of Atman, the self-effulgent, resplendent, Self.

The “Experiential Knowledge” obtained from the experience of “being” or “existing” as Brahman / Atman is called Aparoksha Jnana (Direct Knowledge).

This blog is also intended for the same purpose mentioned above.

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