
Mahavakya Viveka

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Mahavakyas are the “Great Sentences” contained in the 4 Upanishads that belong to 4 different Vedas. Each sentence by itself contains the essence of all the Upanishads.

Shuka Rahasya Upanishad exclusively deliberates on these “Great Sayings” and conveys that they should be deeply understood and contemplated upon.

In the book “Pancha Dashi” the magnum opus of the great Advaita master Vidyaranya, the 12th Jadguru of Shankara Math, Sringeri, Karnataka named the title of the 5th chapter of his book as “Mahavakya Viveka”. From this we derived our inspiration for the name of our blog.

This post can be considered as a summary of the 5th chapter, "Mahavakya Viveka" of the book "Pancha Dashi".

The four principal Mahavakyas are from four Upanishads taken from each of the four Vedas. All the sayings convey one Universal message which is about the Brahman, Atman, Awareness, Consciousness or the Chit Shakti (Sentient Energy) we all contain and which sustains the life in every one of us.

Here are the four Mahavakyas.

Prajnaanam Brahma” means “Consciousness is Brahman” mentioned in Aitareya Upanishad (3.1.3) of Rig Veda.

"Aham Brahmaasmi" means “I am Brahman” mentioned in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (1.4.10) of Yajur Veda.

"Tat Tvam Asi" means “Thou art That” mentioned in Chandogya Upanishad (6.8.7) of Sama Veda.

"Ayam Atma Brahma" means “This Atman (Self) is Brahman” mentioned in Mandukya Upanishad (1.2) of Atharva Veda.

All the statements are saying that we are not our name (Nama) and form (Rupa). We are actually the Sentient Energy, which is nothing but our own Awareness, Consciousness, Self, Atman, Brahman. This Sentient Life Energy powers our entire body, mind and intellect. It is because of this energy we are alive.

Just like the way electrical energy powers various instruments, the Sentient Life Energy within us powers all our bodily functions such as hearing, seeing, moving, lifting, etc. But unlike electrical energy, which is inert, this Life Energy is Sentient and hence is called Prajna which means Consciousness or Awareness.

Instead of identifying with our ego, name and form, the Advaita Vedanta is asking us to identify ourselves with the Sentient Life Energy within us shining in the mind as Consciousness, Thinking Ability, Knowing Power, Awareness, realize it as the real “I” and exist as the silent Sentient Life Energy or Pure Consciousness or as Silent Awareness.

I am not name and form. I am Consciousness. This is what Prajnanam Brahma means.

I am not name and form. I am Brahman, the Sentient Energy. This is what Aham Brahmasmi means.

You are not name and form. You are THAT (Sentient Energy). This is what Tat Tvam Asi means.

I am not name and form. Atman is same as Brahman, Sentient Energy. This is what Ayam Atma Brahma means.

The purpose of Mahavakyas is to understand their deepest meaning and in our busy lives take a few moments every day to be in the grateful and thankful contemplative state, with great concentration and in silence think about Brahman, the nameless, formless, Sentient Life Energy that is inside every one of us and keeping us alive.

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