
Matsarya (Jealousy) - Arishadvarga

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Matsarya, Envy or Jealousy is the last of the Artishadvarga, the set of six enemies.

Matsarya is the state of envy where one feels unhappy, discontented and miserable due to somebody else’s happiness, wealth, status, abilities and rewards.

Not liking the wellbeing, possessions, progression, advancement and achievements of others is called Matsarya (envy) which is detrimental and destructive to one's own wellbeing and makes the life irritable and miserable.

The French poet Victor Hugo says, “The wicked envy and hate; it is their way of admiring”. 

Matsarya has two close siblings, Asuya and Irshya.

Asuya is being jealous and intolerant of someone else’s progress irrespective of whether that person is of the same status, much below or above us. Asuya is basically not liking anybody else’s well-being other than our own.

Irshya is the ill-feeling on seeing that another is not being subjected to the same sufferings as oneself.

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