Krodha is the second of the Arishadvarga, the set of six enemies.
Krodha means anger and interestingly it is related to all other components of Arishadvarga.
Krodha is the end result;
If Kama (desire) is thwarted.
If Lobha (miserliness) is kindled by the loss of a desired object.
If Moha (obsession) is not satisfied due to failure in attaining an object of obsession.
If Mada (pride) is hurt by someone’s disdainful behaviour.
If Matsarya (envy) is fuelled due to someone else’s success.
Analyzing and knowing which of these are the cause for the anger helps reduce its intensity, dispel the delusion and allows the fresh breeze of sense and sanity to prevail.
If forced to swallow Krodha, it leads to brooding, loathing, sulking, grumpiness, worry, agony, grief, dejection and depression. If Krodha is not controlled, it could result in friction, hostility, aversion, revenge, vengeance, enmity, intolerance, hatred, etc.
The anger first has an effect internally such as increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, fast and shallow breathing causing “constipation of thoughts and resulting in diarrhea of words”.
The external expression of uncontrolled anger could cause harm, hurt, grief, damage long-lasting relationships and could even bring about severe self-destruction.
“Speak when you are angry and you’ll make the best speech you’ll ever regret”, says Laurence J. Peter, well known for formulating the concept of “Peter Principle”.
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