Showing posts from September, 2020

Pancha Kosha Viveka

Pancha Kosha (Five Sheaths) is explained in the 2nd chapter, Anandavalli section of the Taittiriya Upanishad where it says that these five sheaths cover our innermost Self , the Atman . In the boo…
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Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss Sheath)

Anandamaya Kosha , the Bliss Sheath is experienced in deep dreamless sleep, is established in ignorance and is of the form of Karana Sharira (causal body). It is the last of the Pancha Kosha (Five…
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Vignanamaya Kosha (Intellectual Sheath)

Vignanamaya Kosha , the Intellectual Sheath consists of the Buddhi (intellect) and is the seat of Jnana (knowledge). Hence it is also called Knowledge or Wisdom Sheath . The Pranamaya , Manomaya …
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Manomaya Kosha (Mental Sheath)

Manomaya Kosha , the Mental Sheath , consists of the Manas (mind) and the five Jnanendriyas (organs of perception). It is the third of the Pancha Kosha (five sheaths) and is inside Pranamaya Kosha…
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Pranamaya Kosha (Vital Air Sheath)

Pranamaya Kosha is the Vital Air Sheath or the Bio-Energy Sheath . It is the second of the Pancha Kosha (five sheaths) and is inside Annamaya Kosha . Pranamaya Kosha consists of five modification…
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Annamaya Kosha (Food Sheath)

Annamaya Kosha , the Food Sheath is made of food, represents the Sthula Sharira (gross body) consisting of skin, blood, flesh, bones, etc. The Vedic texts call them as Saptha Dhatu meaning Seven T…
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Pancha Kosha (Five Sheaths)

Pancha Kosha (Five Sheaths) is explained in the 2nd chapter, Anandavalli section of the Taittiriya Upanishad where it says that these five sheaths cover our innermost Self, the Atman . According t…
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Drig-Drishya Viveka

Drig-Drishya Viveka (Seer-Seen Enquiry) is an enquiry into the distinction of the Seer ( Drig ) and the Seen ( Drishya ), the Knower and the Known, the Witness and the Witnessed. This is considered …
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