
Vignanamaya Kosha (Intellectual Sheath)

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Vignanamaya Kosha, the Intellectual Sheath consists of the Buddhi (intellect) and is the seat of Jnana (knowledge). Hence it is also called Knowledge or Wisdom Sheath.

The Pranamaya, Manomaya and Vignanamaya koshas together constitute Sukshma Sharira (subtle body).

When we say “I took a good decision”, “I am satisfied”, etc., we are referring to the Vignanamaya Kosha consisting of intellect, the decision-making faculty.

Buddhi is a vehicle for higher thought, capable of respecting and nourishing values, spurs creativity, innovation, discovery, visualization and discrimination.

A well-developed intellect can control and hold the mind in a tight leash, guide and direct it in a productive manner.

Intellect is what is the "inner voice", judgemental and whatever it deems as right it speaks that Truth. For a stress-free and joyful living there should not be any conflict between the Vignanamaya Kosha (Intellect) and the Manomaya Kosha (Mind).

When the activities of the mind are in constant conflict with the intellect then a Conflict Zone gets created between the mind and the intellect. This Conflict Zone starts to thicken when the mind frequently forces an action or deed which the intellect had forewarned not to indulge in.

For example, the mind might develop a liking towards somebody else's expensive cell phone and would want to steal it. The intellect disapproves by issuing a stern warning that stealing is not correct and such thoughts should not be entertained. But if the mind still goes ahead and forces the body to commit the distasteful deed then there develops a conflict between the mind and the intellect.

According to the yogic texts whenever the intellect, the mind and the body are not aligned and fail to be in sync, this dysfunctional relationship causes mental imbalances and intense worries. If they are not controlled, then in Manomaya Kosha they amplify into mental illnesses called Adhi (primary disease). If still unattended they percolate down to Pranamaya Kosha creating the imbalance in the rhythm of breathing causing not sufficient prana (air) to flow in the body. If it is still not observed and treated, then these imbalances descend down to Annamaya Kosha (gross body) and appear as Vyadhi (disease).

Due to the Ego, the tendency of the mind is to always identify with the body and its sense organs to seek happiness. Hence the mind indulges in imaginations, daydreams and fantasies, and forces the body to engage in actions to satisfy the insatiable, irrational desires. This uncontrolled corrupting influence of the Ego on the mind can cause agitations and restlessness which could result in Adhis (primary diseases) and if those mental conflicts are not eliminated, then it would result in Vyadhis (diseases) as seen above.

To seek happiness the mind should not come down to Annamaya Kosha. Instead, it should be turning in the opposite direction where Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss Sheath) is located. For that, the mind has to first breach the Conflict Zone to reach the Vignanamaya Kosha before it can reach the Anandamaya Kosha.

Thus, if the mind is turned inwards, well aligned and synchronised with the intellect, the Conflict Zone gets torn apart, one develops contempt and distaste towards sense organs, Ego gets annihilated and could start making progress towards experiencing Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss Sheath).

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