Showing posts from November, 2020

Is Spirituality a myth, fantasy or is it real?

Spirituality might mean different things according to different religions and philosophies. But according to Advaita Vedanta the answer is No . Spirituality is not a myth / fantasy. It is very much…
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What is the right age to get involved in spiritual pursuits?

According to Advaita Vedanta there really is no " right age " to get involved in spiritual pursuits. Spirituality is not limited to offering daily prayers, reading religious books, going t…
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When should we start spirituality?

When we are ethical, honest, kind, caring , etc. that means we are already " spiritual ". Probably you might be meaning that “ There is a separate entity called God . To please him I have …
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Does Enlightenment provide an answer to the mystery of Consciousness?

Is Consciousness a mystery? I do not think so. We all know that we are Conscious Entities and we do not require any external proof for it. We can use our Consciousness to do only two things, Obser…
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If someone is Enlightened, what does that mean?

According to Advaita Vedanta , Enlightened person ( Jnani ) behaves exactly like a normal person ( Ajnani ). The main difference is Ajnani associates “ I ” with Jagat which includes this world, nam…
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Why is Self-Realization important in our lives?

When one practices and can successfully exist without any thought then one exists as a nameless, formless, Concentrating Entity, Consciousness , Chit Shakti ( Sentient Energy ), Atman (Self). This i…
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Can one attain Self-Realization?

According to Advaita Vedanta when a person stops identifying “ I ” with Jagat (Not-Self) and starts identifying “ I ” with the nameless, formless, Concentrating Entity within all of us which is not…
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Why is Enlightenment so difficult to realise?

Enlightenment is not really that difficult to realize. First we need to clearly understand " What is Enlightenment? " . Advaita Vedanta uses a Sanskrit term “ Jagat ” which includes this…
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What is Enlightenment?

According to Advaita Vedanta , Enlightenment is Self-Realization , knowing our true nature. Can a video camera function on its own? No. It requires electrical energy. Can a pressure cooker make soun…
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What is the meaning of Ekam Evadvitiyam?

Atman is only one without a second . The word Shakti (Energy) is used in Upanishads. Atma Shakti is mentioned in Svetasvatara Upanishad (1.3). Achintya Shakti is mentioned in Kaivalya Upanishad …
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What are Pancha Kleshas (Five Poisons)?

The answer is sourced from the book " Pearls of Vedic Wisdom to Succeed " Pancha means five. Klesha means poison. Pancha Klesha means Five Poisons that afflict the mind and they are men…
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