
Why is Self-Realization important in our lives?

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When one practices and can successfully exist without any thought then one exists as a nameless, formless, Concentrating Entity, Consciousness, Chit Shakti (Sentient Energy), Atman (Self). This is called Self-Realization.

The Self-Realization is important because one gets to discover one’s true nature, true Self, gains the knowledge of the only single, unchanging, ever present, Ultimate Reality, Atman / Brahman, becomes selfless and a godly human being.

Oneness and Peace

When the knowledge of Brahman / Atman (Self-Realization) dawns, greed and selfishness would vanish. Morals and ethics would spring from within. It promotes kindness, open-heartedness, love and compassion. The prevailing “Profit Mentality” would give way to “Service Mentality”.

Knowledge of Brahman promotes Oneness and Peace, Unity in Diversity, Universal Brotherhood. Once we find Individual Peace, we can gallop towards establishing World Peace (Vishwa Shanti) and work towards Global Well-being (Loka Kshema). When all the people in the world live peacefully as one Global Family, it is called Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (Maha Upanishad 6.72).

Due to Self-Realization, when we see Oneness everywhere then each one of us would be comprehensively winning this game of life hands down and would be glad to help others win it too. Can there be any greater success than this? Can their be any loftier ideal than this? Now can we appreciate and understand how important the Self-Realization is. This is what Advaita Vedanta is all about.

To know how exactly to attain Self-Realization please read my answer to the question How can I attain self-realization according to Ramana Maharshi?

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