
Does Enlightenment provide an answer to the mystery of Consciousness?

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Is Consciousness a mystery? I do not think so. We all know that we are Conscious Entities and we do not require any external proof for it.

We can use our Consciousness to do only two things, Observation and Thinking. During our waking state we are constantly engaged in doing either of these two which is either we are observing something or thinking about something. If we can exist without doing observation or thinking then that state is called Enlightenment or Self-Realization. During that state one “experiences” being or existing as Pure Consciousness without doing any observation or thinking.

Theory is that simple. First let us clearly understand the theory without any doubts.

Now comes the practical which is to exist without thoughts. According to Sri Ramana Maharshi we can have just one thought which is “I am Consciousness”, “I am a Concentrating Entity” and everyday for few minutes we need to practice existing with just this one thought. This is meditation according to Advaita Vedanta.

After constant practice at some point even this one thought would vanish and one would be blessed with the “experience” of “being” or “existing” as Pure Consciousness without any thoughts. This is called Enlightenment. Once this “Experiential Knowledge” is gained then it becomes permanent and there is no need for any further effort.

What does one get by existing without thoughts?

In our deep sleep we exist without any thoughts. After we wake up do we feel good or miserable? Every single time we always feel great after a deep sleep. This should give us a clue which is when we lose our individuality and exist without any thoughts it is blissful.

Enlightenment or Self-Realization is striving to voluntarily lose our individuality and become thought free during our waking state.

You may be interested in reading my answer to the question What is “Enlightenment”?

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