Atman is only one without a second .
The word Shakti (Energy) is used in Upanishads. Atma Shakti is mentioned in Svetasvatara Upanishad (1.3). Achintya Shakti is mentioned in Kaivalya Upanishad (1.21) meaning incomprehensible energy.
When we consider Brahman / Atman as Shakti (energy) it becomes extremely easy to understand “Ekam Evadvitiyam Brahma”.
Can there be two types of Vidyut Shakti (electrical energy)? No.
Can there be two types of Shaka Shakti (heat energy)? No.
In the same way, there cannot be two different types of Atma Shakti. It is only one without a second which is the meaning of “Ekam Eva Advitiyam Brahma”.
For a more scientific explanation please refer to my answer to the question "Is Atman equal to energy in science?".
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