
Is Spirituality a myth, fantasy or is it real?

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Spirituality might mean different things according to different religions and philosophies.

But according to Advaita Vedanta the answer is No. Spirituality is not a myth / fantasy. It is very much real, scientific, based on sound reasoning, irrefutable logic and “Direct Experience” (Aparoksha Anubhuti).

Do you need any external proof that you are a Conscious Entity, Consciousness, Awareness, Knowingness? I am using different words to mean the same thing.

According to Advaita, the goal is to experience “being” a 100% Concentrating Entity, Silent Awareness, “Pure Consciousness”.

If one is sincere and earnest, the goal is attainable and this is what I have explained in my answer to Why is Enlightenment so difficult to realize?

Advaita is highly scientific and one can read my explanation to the question Is Atma equal to energy in science?

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