
How does Bhagavad Gita help us?

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Bhagavad Gita is part of Prasthana Traya which means three literary sources on which Advaita Philosophy is based upon. The other two are Upanishads and Brahma Sutras.

Reading and understanding Bhagavad Gita is definitely very useful for anybody. Important thing is one should be very clear about what exactly is the subject matter.

Bhagavad Gita is not about superstition, some transcendental power, some unknown supreme entity called God, etc. It is basically pure science and about subtle facts.

The subject matter of Bhagavad Gita is Brahman / Atman. I want to call Atman as Atma Shakti that is powering each one of us and I provide scriptural backing for this (please read the hyperlinks provided below). At the core we are a nameless, formless, Concentrating Entity, Pure Consciousness, Awareness. It is unchanging and eternal. Hence it is called Reality, the Ultimate Reality, the Only Reality and therefore this Reality is considered as God which is inside everyone of us.

This Reality or Truth is attainable and could be experienced by everyone of us if we have sincere and intense desire to attain it.

Before you start reading Bhagavad Gita please read my answers to the following questions.

What is Enlightenment?

Why is Enlightenment so difficult to realize?

Is Atma equal to energy in science?

In a very simple language I have provided answers to the above questions. Once you read them and clearly understand you should know what the subject matter is which is our own Concentrating Ability, Consciousness, Awareness, Knowingness.

When this is clearly understood then every single verse of Bhagawad Gita would make perfect sense and would spring to life.

The one and only unchanging eternal Reality is the greatest treasure that is available to human beings. According to Advaita Vedanta, it would be foolish and absolute ignorance if one does not aspire to experience this Ultimate Reality in this very life.

How exactly one can experience the eternal Reality and attain Self-Realization is explained in detail in my answer to the question How can I attain self-realization according to Ramana Maharshi?

Please start reading and understanding Bhagavad Gita. All the best. My hearty wishes.

In case of any doubts you could always post your questions in this forum.

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