
Who is Guru?

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Guru - Teacher

Guru is a Sanskrit term that connotes someone who is a teacher, counsellor, inspirer, guide, expert or master of certain Jnana (Knowledge) or Field. The Guru is given colossal importance in the ancient Vedic texts.

Dvaya Upanishad (1.4) says, “Gu” means darkness, “Ru” means resistance and hence “Guru” means a person who resists the darkness of ignorance.

A hymn of Rig Veda describes Guru as the source and inspirer of the Knowledge for the one who seeks.

Chandogya Upanishad proclaims that it is only through Guru that one attains Knowledge.

Katha Upanishad declares Guru as indispensable to the acquisition of Knowledge.

Taittiriya Upanishad describes human knowledge as that which connects the teacher and the student through the medium of exposition.

Svetasvatara Upanishad goes still further and equates the need of reverence and devotion to the Guru to be the same as for the God.

Guru with his immense wisdom, enormous love and abundant patience shows the path of light (of Knowledge) to dispel the darkness (of ignorance). Guru can be a person, scriptures, books, commentaries, discourses, audio lectures, videos, etc..

A Sadhaka (student) should first read / listen and acquire Sadhana Chatushtaya (Fourfold Qualifications). Then under the caring guidance of Guru should undertake Sadhana (effort) to achieve the desired goal.

  • One should diligently read and ardently listen to the Guru which is called Shravana.
  • After that one should intensely reflect upon what has been learnt, clarify if any doubts remain and grasp and understand the concept completely. This is called Manana.
  • Finally one should fervently practice what has been learnt to attain the “Experiential Knowledge”. This is called Nididhyasana.

For example, car driving, performing surgery, music, dance, sports, etc. one has to practice. In the same way the ultimate goal of Advaita which is Self-Realisation is also an “Experiential Knowledge” and hence constant practice of meditation with highly focused concentration is essential.

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