
What message does the picture of Lord Ranganatha convey?

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Vedic Masters used stories and symbols to convey Maha Tattva, the great message conveyed by the Vedas and Vedic Philosophy.

In the picture, Lord Ranganatha is normally seen lying on the bed which is the coiled body of the giant snake called Adishesha and all his poisonous thousand hoods are seen to be absolutely still. Both of them, Lord Ranganatha and the snake Adishesha are amidst Ksheera Sagara (Milky Ocean).

Ksheera Sagara (Milky Ocean) depicts our calm and pure mind without thoughts.

The Energy which is energising all the organs and each and every cell in our body is a nameless, formless, Concentrating Entity, Consciousness, Awareness, Knowingness, Chit Shakti (Sentient Energy), Atman (Self). This energy is not sitting, standing or jumping. It is just lying there within us. That's why Lord Ranganatha is also lying.

Every poisonous hood of the Adishesha represents our thoughts which are selfish and poisonous. Just recollect the untold calamity brought by the selfish thoughts of tyrants like Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Idi Amin, Saddam Hussein, etc. We also within our limited capacity sometimes hurt people around with our selfish thoughts. But when we are unselfish and selfless we radiate joy, love and compassion.

Each poisonous hood of Adishesha is absolutely still and completely under control conveying the message that when we become successful in existing as Silent Awareness, attain Self-Realisation then all our thoughts remain under complete control and are no longer able to spew the venom of selfishness.

Blissfully lying, Lord Ranganatha is blessing us to become purified souls, practice purest form of human existence that is humanly possible and succeed in existing as Pure Consciousness, Silent Awareness, highly focused Concentrating Entity, Chit Shaki (Sentient Energy), Atman (Self).

It is really silly when people from different sects such as Shaivites and Vaishnavites quarrel and try to establish that their belief is the greatest. A true Religion or philosophy cannot be just based on belief, instead it should be strongly founded on science, reasoning and logic which is what Advaita Vedanta is all about. Such kind of philosophy has no place for hate and considers people of different race, caste, religion, etc. to be one and the same and treats all of them as children of One Loving and Merciful God. When we peacefully live as One Global Family, it is called Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (Maha Upanishad 6.72).

The bottom line is "Existing as Pure Consciousness, Silent Awareness" is the one single message conveyed by 63 Nayanars of Shaivism, 12 Alvars of Vaishnavism, Vedas and Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Advaitia masters such as Shankaracharya, Vidyaranya, Ramana, etc., Dvaitic poets such as Purandaradasa, Kanakadasa, numerous other realised saints and finally the lords themselves such as Lord Ranganatha and Lord Shiva.

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