
We should be desireless to attain Moksha. Isn't that a desire?

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The desire to attain Moksha is the only desire you are allowed to have and it is called Mumukshatva which is part of Sadhana Chatushtaya (fourfold qualifications).

But once deep into practicing Nididhyasana (Meditation) one does not cling on to this desire also.

A sincere seeker soon understands that one is already Brahman and no one is ever in Bandhana (Bondage) which means Moksha is already there, not something to be newly attained.

It is only the Avidya (ignorance) of identifying “I” with name, body and thoughts that needs to be removed so that one could clearly start identifying “I” with the nameless, formless, Concentrating Entity, Consciousness, Awareness, Chit Shakti (Sentient Energy), Atman (Self). This is called Self-Realisation and when this Knowledge dawns one instantly attains Moksha in this very life.

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