
What is Sadhana Chatushtaya?

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Sadhana Chatushtaya means Fourfold Qualifications described by the great Guru of Advaita Vedanta, Sri Adi Shankara. It is described in "Vivekachudamani" starting from verse 19 and right in the beginning of "Tattvabodha". These qualifications are required by the seeker to attain Enlightenment or Self-Realization.

Sadhana Chatushtaya, the fourfold qualifications are Viveka (reasoning), Vairagya (dispassion), Shad Sampat (treasure of six virtues) and Mumukshutva (burning desire to attain the goal). Intense Sadhana (effort) is required to attain these fourfold qualifications to become eligible to attain the desired goal.

Acquiring the four-fold qualifications (Sadhana Chatushtaya) makes one to start relying more on Vignanamaya Kosha, the Intellectual Sheath, to interact with the world, becomes calm and collected and does not rely anymore on Manomaya Kosha, the Mental Sheath which is being impulsive.

Viveka - Power of Discrimination

Viveka is the intellectual ability to discriminate or discern between the truth and the untruth (Satya and Asatya), permanent and the impermanent (Nitya and Anithya), Self and the non-Self (Atman and Anatman). Viveka involves detailed Vichara (enquiry). For further details please refer to my answer to the question What is Viveka?

Vairagya - Dispassion

One who has Viveka (discriminative wisdom) cannot fail to have Vairagya (dispassion) as they are interdependent. It is nothing but renunciation of all momentary enjoyments and instant gratifications. Basically, it is not gloating over something we have and not desperately craving for something which we do not have. For more details please refer to my answer to the question What is Vairagya?

Shad Sampat - Six Virtues

Shad means six, Sampat means treasure. Shad Sampat means the Six Treasures which the seeker should try to amass. The six treasures are Shama (calmness), Dama (self-control), Uparati (withdrawal), Titiksha (forbearance or endurance), Shraddha (unwavering faith) and Samadhana (intense focus or single pointed concentration). For detailed explanation please refer to my answer to the question What is Shad Sampat?

Mumukshutva – Burning Desire

Mumukshutva is the burning desire, intense longing and passionate yearning to achieve the desired goal. It is about staying focused and keep on moving towards the goal, all the time enjoying the journey and accomplish monumental feats. It is all about dreaming big, being intensely passionate about it, having a fierce drive to achieve, preparedness to work hard and not giving up under any situation. Such intense desire is vital to stay focused all the time which is highly essential for success.

This is what the Advaita Vedanta advises the seeker, which is to dream big and have the highest goal which is seeking the ultimate Truth. We notice that the same advice is very much applicable for anybody to think big and achieve any desired goal in any other field as well.

The first qualification, the Viveka (reasoning and discrimination) is acquired by doing the Vichara (enquiry) to learn and understand the concept clearly. Viveka is studying, reasoning, deliberating and preparing oneself meticulously before the execution. This is the brainstorming and planning phase.

Then comes Vairagya (dispassion) which is developing dispassion, disinterest and disgust towards all the things that are not required, unrelated and are actually impediments in achieving the goal.

The Shad Sampat (six-fold wealth) are controlling the mind (Shama), controlling of the senses (Dama), withdrawal of the mind from things and pursuits that are unrelated to the goal (Uparati), enduring the failures, challenges, difficulties, obstacles and hindrances (Titiksha), having the faith and conviction in the chosen path (Shraddha) and finally having unwavering concentration and always continuously thinking about the goal to be achieved (Samadhana).

Mumukshutva is the burning desire and extreme passion for succeeding. It is refusing to give up and having an intense longing to achieve the desired goal.

Sadhana Chatushtaya advocated by Advaita Vedanta is a systematic and methodical approach to succeed in attaining the desired goal.

Seeker of the Silent Awareness or anyone seriously pursuing the desired goal needs to make a relentless effort to acquire all the above said four-fold qualification taught to us by the Vedic masters.

The website of Swami Shivananda (Divine Life Society) had some unique insight about the Sadhana (effort). It said if one constantly contemplates on the Sentient Life Energy and continuously tries to be in the Silent Awareness then one can succeed quickly without too much Sadhana or effort. Such a person automatically gets one by one all the virtues listed in this section. That means instead of putting a lot of time and effort in acquiring all the qualifications to reach the goal, the easier, smarter and quicker method is to try to directly reach the goal first of being in Silent Awareness, then all the virtues and good qualities get acquired automatically.

According to Advaita, intense practice of Sadhana Chatushtaya is required by the seeker to succeed in attaining Enlightenment or Self-Realization. We also need to be aware of Pancha Kleshas the Five Poisons that could hinder our Sadhana.

What exactly one needs to do attain Self-Realization is described in detail in my answer to the question How can I attain self-realization according to Ramana Maharshi?

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