
What is Dharma (Duty or Righteousness)?

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Dharma means “Duty” as well as “Righteousness” and is the first of the four Purusharthas (objects of human pursuit).

Dharma is the ethical basis on which we live our life, being always conscious of one’s actions, words and thoughts. The intention behind any action matters most.

The complete meaning of Dharma encompasses duty, responsibility, ethics, morality, righteousness, truth, and respecting the law of the land.

The Dharma should not be compromised with at any cost and under any situation.

Dharma forbids shirking of one’s responsibility. We have to accept the various responsibilities we have and religiously discharge the required duties as a parent, child, sibling, relative, friend, colleague, employee, professional, business owner, citizen and finally as a human being.

Dharma promotes love, compassion, empathy, helpful nature, sensitivity to the needs of others and meaningful interaction with the society.

One facet of Dharma also talks about Four Ashramas which are four age-based life stages. They are Brahmacharya (student life), Grihastha (household life), Vanaprastha (retired life) and Sanyasa (renounced life).

See Also:

  • What is Artha?
  • What is Kama?
  • What is Moksha?

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