
Which is your favourite verse from the Bhagavad Gita?

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My favourite verse from the Bhagavad Gita is Verse 3.17

yas tvātma-ratir eva syād ātma-tṛiptaśh cha mānavah
ātmanyeva cha santuṣhṭas tasya kāryaṁ na vidyate

yaḥ —who; tu —but; ātma-ratiḥ —rejoice in the Self; eva —certainly; syāt —is; ātma-tṛiptaḥ —satisfied in the Self; cha —and; mānavaḥ —human being; ātmani —in the Self; eva —only; cha —and; santuṣhṭaḥ —contended; tasya —his; kāryam —duty; na —not; vidyate —exist

A person who rejoices only in the Atman (Self) alone, who is satisfied with the Atman (Self), who is content to be with the Atman (Self) alone, for that person verily there is nothing more to be done

This is my personal favourite sloka of Bhagavad Gita and has remained favourite for me ever since I read, understood and started to put effort to live as advised by the sloka. The very fact that I am getting an opportunity to express this, a thought which had never crossed my mind earlier, makes me feel overjoyed.

This verse is my most favourite because it very directly talks about Self-Realization, conveys what Self-Realization means which is loving one’s Self, liking to be with the Self, exist with the true nature of the Self, getting absorbed in our own Silence and existing as Silent Awareness, Pure Consciousness.

When one develops a taste to “exist” as nameless, formless, silent Self then one does not like to be disturbed from that state.

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