
According to the Upanishads, how can one attain moksha?

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Upanishads urge one to discover one’s true Self which is the only unchanging Reality whereas the entire Jagat is constantly changing. The Jagat includes this entire world, the body, the mind, the ego-self and the thoughts. Even the apparently stationary Sun is also moving because our entire galaxy The Milky Way is moving. From the subatomic to the cosmic level, everything in this universe is perennially in a state of flux.

Amidst all these the only unchanging entity is our own Consciousness, Awareness, Knowingness, Chit Shakti (Sentient Energy), Atman (Self).

Whichever way one follows whether Jnana Marga (Path of Knowledge), Bhakti Marga (Path of Devotion), Sharanagathi Marga (Path of Self Surrender), Karma Marga (Path of Selfless Service), etc. if one manages to lose individuality and firmly identify "I" with the true Self which is a nameless, formless, Concentrating Entity, Pure Consciousness, Silent Awareness, Knowingness, Chit Shakti (Sentient Energy), Atman (Self) then one attains the knowledge of Self-Realisation, becomes a Jnani and instantly attains Moksha which is liberation from Bandhana (bondage). The bondage is nothing but wrongly identifying “I” with the ego-self due to ignorance and being extremely attached to worldly things.

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