
What is Sadhana?

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We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.” – Jesse Owens

Sadhana (effort) means relentless effort, patient endurance, determined persistence, dogged perseverance, staunch endeavour and resolute struggle to achieve the desired goal.

Nothing worth having was ever achieved without the effort. The enormity of the task, the challenge of getting it done, the hardships along the way, everything fades away into darkness when the brilliant light of passion is shone upon it.

Steve Prefontaine, a popular American long-distance runner of the early seventies, said: “To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift”.

Adavaita Vedanta not only urges us to put in the required effort to attain Self-Realization but also shows and guides us as to how to channelize and make a focused effort that is guaranteed to succeed and it is called as Sadhana Chatushtaya. We also need to be aware of Pancha Kleshas the Five Poisons that could hinder our Sadhana.

Advaita philosophy shows the path that can be followed by any sincere seeker belonging to any religion to achieve the ultimate goal which is dropping the ego and always delightfully abiding in the Silent Awareness.

The path shown by Advaita Vedanta through Sadhana Chatushtaya to channelize the effort is so scientific, logical and methodical, it can be very well followed by anybody to achieve any other goal as well such as to succeed in profession, business, education, sports or any other field.

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