
What meditation I should do to attain Moksha?

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Moksha means Liberation. According to Advaita VedantaMoksha is the last of Chaturvidha Purusharthas (four objects of human pursuit) which are Dharma (duty and righteousness), Artha (wealth), Kama (desire) and Moksha (liberation).

According to Advaita Vedanta, meditation means you should just be your-Self.

You might ask “Am I not already my-Self?”.

Yes you are. But unfortunately you are also always mixed up with things that are Not-Self.

What is Not-Self?

According to Advaita Not-Self (Anatman) is called “Jagat” which includes this world, the body, the mind, the ego-self and the thoughts in the mind. If you carefully analyse finally it comes down to thoughts in the mind. This is called individuality which is always harbouring some thought or the other and most of these thoughts are selfish or self-centered.

The goal of Advaita is learning to exist as pure Self which means being or existing without thoughts.

Is existing without thoughts possible?

Let us see. We do exist without any thoughts when we are in dreamless deep sleep. That’s why every single time when we wake up after a deep sleep we always feel blissful. We would never say it was miserable. This should give us a clue that whenever we lose our individuality there is an inherent joy.

Unfortunately in the deep sleep state the mind is absent as it is taking rest and hence we do not become Aware or Conscious of the thoughtless state in our deep sleep. In deep sleep state all our thoughts and tendencies are said to be in seed form and when we wake up they instantly spring back to life (grow back into a tree as they were before sleep).

Are there any other occasions where we exist losing our individuality and forgetting Jagat completely?

Yes. Indeed actually there are plenty of such occasions. While completely absorbed in an interesting movie, watching an exciting game, listening to a melodious music, reading something interesting, etc.

Mind can do only two things which are Observation and Thinking. In all the above activities we are in observation, total observation, 100% Concentration without doing any kind of thinking.

Thus whenever we are in Single Pointed Concentration, the Jagat (Not-Self) vanishes, we lose consciousness of even our body and just exist as a nameless, formless, Concentrating Entity.

Another great example is counting a bundle of currency where we just cannot afford to have a lapse in concentration.

In all the above cases the joy is temporary and lasts only during that particular activity. Learning to be always aware that we are a nameless, formless, Concentrating Entity, Consciousness, Awareness is the goal of Advaita and is called Self-Realisation and when attained one instantly gets Moksha (liberation).

Practicing what the Advaita teaches is called Nididhyasana or Meditation.

I have explained how exactly to do the Meditation in my answer to the question How can I attain self-realization according to Ramana Maharshi?

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