
Atma is Immortal and Eternal

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Yes. As per Advaita Vedanta, Atma is immortal and eternal.

Atma is Energy according to Advaita

The first part of the “law of conservation of energy” states that, "Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed" meaning energy is eternal. From science we also know that energy is formless, unborn, deathless, cannot be cut by a sword, burnt by fire, wetted by water, dried by air, etc. These descriptions are applicable to not just one particular energy but all energies that have been discovered by science.

Bhagavad Gita (2.21. - 2.25) uses exactly the same descriptions to describe Atma. It is common sense that two sets of identical descriptions cannot possibly describe two completely different things. Hence we can unequivocally conclude that Atma is Energy(Shakti). This conclusion is backed by Svetasvatara Upanishad (1.3) and Kaivalya Upanishad (1.21) which make use of the exact word Shakti meaning Energy while referring to Atma.

Can we say that we can now exactly define what Atma is? No. Not at all. With the above articulation we can only conclude that Atma is also an energy that has been identified by Advaita Vedanta and still yet to be recognised by science. All the energies we know through science are Jada (insentient) whereas Atma is Chit Shakti (Sentient Energy) and is life giving Jiva Shakti (Life Energy) and hence Atman is Sentient Life Energy.

Atma Shakti powers all the organs in our body

Just like electrical energy is able to power various devices such as mike, camera, loud speaker, cranes, locomotive, etc. the Atma Shakti powers various organs in our body such as ears, eyes, speech, hands, limbs, etc. This is what is mentioned in Aitareya Upanishad (3.1.1 – 3.1.2), Kena Upanishad (1.1 – 1.8) and Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad (3.4.2, 3.7.16-3.7.23, 3.8.11).

It is common sense that devices like mike, camera, etc. cannot function on their own. They require the help of electrical energy. In the same way organs such as ears, eyes, etc. cannot function on their own. They also require the help of energy and the name given to this energy by Vedanta is Atma Shakti. If this energy is not acknowledged then it would lead to a preposterous conclusion that ears, eyes, lungs, heart, etc. are functioning on their own without the help of any energy.

Atma Shakti powers our mind

When the Atma powers and energises the inert and insentient mind (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 3.20, Kena Upanishad 1.5), the mind gains its Sentience, Consciousness and we get the ability to observe and think. Thus the mind borrows its Sentience or Consciousness from the Life Energy, Atma and reflects it. This is called Chidabhasa (Chit-Abhasa). Chit means Consciousness and Abhasa means reflection.

The Consciousness, Sentience, Chit Shakti (Sentient Energy) of Atma is given paramount importance because without the Consciousness of the mind all other functions such as seeing, hearing, smelling, speaking, etc. become meaningless and useless.

Different electrical devices such as bulb, refrigerator, air conditioner, radio , TV etc. differ in their names, forms and functions. Underneath, all of them, the substratum is one single electrical energy.

In the same way, we all differ in our names, forms, functions and capabilities. But in the core, the substratum is the same Sentient Life Energy, Atman which is present in our every cell, pervades the entire body and is powering and energizing all the organs, systems and functions of the body as well as the mind..


We all have Consciousness. Just to put it differently we all have “Thinking Ability”. We need to now determine whether

1. is the real “I” the Thinking Ability (Atman - Self)?

2. is “I” the thoughts we generate (Anatma - Not-Self) using the Thinking Ability (Atman)?

We normally identify “I” with the second one because we are always associated and mixed up with this Anatma (Not-Self) also called as Jagat (world). Interestingly Shakespeare also recognized the fleeting temporariness of this world by saying “All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players”. For more details please read my answer to Why Shakespeare called this world a stage?

When we say “My House”, I and the house are different and I am the owner of the house. In the same way we need to understand that when we say “My Body” or “My Mind”, I is different from the body and the mind and the real “I”, the Thinking Ability, Concentrating Entity, Knowing Power is the Atman (Self) and is the owner of the body and the mind. The “owner” and the “owned” can never be the same and are always distinct.

Self-Realisation is nothing but to be able to successfully identify “I” with the first option which is the nameless, formless, Thinking Ability (Atma Shakti).

What happens when we properly identify “I” with the Atman, one has to find out on their own as it is an “Experiential Knowledge” and cannot be explained in words just like words are insufficient to explain things like love, anger, pain, sorrow, joy, etc.

Benefits of Self-Realisation

Every single time when we wake up after a good undisturbed, dreamless deep sleep we always feel good and we never say it was miserable. That's because we lose our individuality in deep sleep. This gives us an important clue which is losing of individuality is inherently associated with joy.

Whenever we are fully immersed in deep concentration we exist as a pure concentrating entity such as while watching a movie, watching sports, playing sports, tasting delectable food, reading something interesting, listening ardently to a music we like, etc.

We might call it as entertainment, excitement, relaxation, etc. but the common thread in all these so called pleasurable activities is losing of individuality. It always happens during those moments when we are in a single pointed concentration, the Jagat vanishes, we lose our individuality, experience joy as we exist as Pure Consciousness or Pure Concentrating Entity.

But this joy is only temporary and lasts only during the duration of that particular activity. What Advaita is advocating is why one can’t be in this permanent state of bliss all the time?

Realising Atma and attaining Self-Realisation

Whenever we are in 100% concentration at that moment we exist as nameless, formless, Concentrating Entity, Thinking Ability, Observing Power, Consciousness, Awareness, Knowingness, Chit Shakti (Sentient Energy), Atman (Self).

All we need to do is everyday for few minutes we need to exist determinedly with just one single thought “I am a nameless, formless, Concentrating Entity”. In Advaita, meditation does not mean stilling the mind, rather it is channelizing and focusing the mind on to one single thought “I am a Concentrating Entity” and holding on to this single thought with great single pointed concentration. After constant practice even this one single thought also would go away and we would gain the Experiential Knowledge of being in Absolute Silence, Pure Consciousness, Silent Awareness. Ramana Maharshi says that this single thought is like a stick used for stirring the burning pyre where finally the stick itself gets burnt and is destroyed (Who Am I? - Verse 10).

My endeavour is to instil indubitable confidence into every sincere aspirant that Self-Realisation is not an impossible task. No need to chase various Gurus, shell out loads of money and attend endless number of meditation courses.

Please understand the theory clearly which I have tried to explain in as simple manner as possible without any trace of blind belief, unquestionable faith, inexplicable spirituality or transcendental mysticism. Advaita is completely scientific, highly rational and a middle school science knowledge is sufficient to understand the theory.

After understanding the theory please be clear about the practical aspect which is with highly focused concentration we need to exist everyday for at least few minutes with one single thought that "I am a Concentrating Entity". When we manage to exist as a Thinker with the single thought “I am a Thinker”, “I am a Thinking Ability”, “I am a Knowing Power” that state of existence is nothing but pure Sacchidhananda Swarupa (Sat-Chit-Ananda, Existence-Consciousness-Bliss).

Equipped with these information, everyday please set aside few minutes of time and engage in the practice of "being" or "existing" with one single thought that "I am a Concentrating Entity", "Pure Consciousness", "Silent Awareness". That's all one can do and one has to do everyday. Just enjoy practicing this. Grace will definitely arrive and with determined effort one shall certainly succeed in attaining Self-Realisation.

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