
Is the purpose of life to attain Moksha?

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Yes. According to Jnana Yoga of Advaita Vedanta attaining Moksha (Liberation) is the very purpose of this life.

To put it positively, attaining the knowledge of Self-Realisation is the goal of every seeker. When one obtains Self-Knowledge, instantly one attains Moksha.

For example, many could live and complete the life without knowing anything about Gravitational Energy. Many more might live and pass away without knowing that acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 meters per second squared. Now the question is do we want to live our life in such an ignorant and idiotic fashion?

IMHO the one and only unchanging eternal Reality, Atman (Self), is the greatest treasure that is available to human beings and it would be foolish and absolute ignorance if one does not aspire to experience this Ultimate Reality and instantly attain Moksha.

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