
How can Brahman be everywhere and in everything?

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It will be easy to understand the concept that “Brahman can be everywhere and in everything” if we consider Brahman as Energy.

I am not speculating here. The word Shakti (Energy) is used in Svetasvatara Upanishad (1.3) and Kaivalya Upanishad (1.21). Brahman or Atman is powering our entire body according to Aitareya Upanishad (3.1.1 – 3.1.2), Kena Upanishad (1.1 – 1.8) and Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad (3.4.2, 3.7.16-3.7.23, 3.8.11). You can read more about it in the article "Atma is Immortal and Eternal".

Once we understand Brahman as energy now it becomes easy.

  • Does Gravitational Energy not pervade every single inch of this earth?
  • Is it not the same single electrical energy that is powering various electrical devices around this globe?
  • Does Solar Energy not instantly pervade in all directions the entire Solar System?

In the same way, according to Advaita, Brahman is everywhere and in everything.

But I would not worry about it too much. I would be more interested in finding truly “Who am I?”. Once I am able to experientially know that “I am Atman”, “I am Pure Consciousness”, “I am a nameless, formless, Concentrating Entity”, then I can intuitively know that all other living beings are also powered by the same “Atman”. I would be very happy with that knowledge and there my questions stop as the doubts cease.

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