
When should we start spirituality?

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When we are ethical, honest, kind, caring, etc. that means we are already "spiritual".

Probably you might be meaning that “There is a separate entity called God. To please him I have to start reading religious books, do Pooja, offer prayers, etc. Currently I am busy with my profession and other responsibilities. May be at some appropriate point in time I shall ‘start’ spirituality”.

I may be wrong. I am guessing that by “start” that’s what may be your intention.

According to Advaita Vedanta that kind of thinking is incorrect. God is not a different entity than each one of us.

Swami Vivekananda urges each of us by saying “Stand up and express divinity within you”. This word “spirituality” implies that it is something mystic and different than science. If we study Advaita we come to know clearly that it is highly scientific. In fact it is the Science that has some catching up to do.

For example, the modern science teaches us that the morality, ethics, values, etc. is part of a subject called “Moral Science” and should be studied, understood and imbibed. If you are an Advaitin, a true follower of Advaita, the morality, values, etc. spring from within. One would be living it rather than trying to learn it from an external source.

The ultimate goal of Advaita is to attain Self-Realization and I have tried to explain what practice is required in the answer to my question How can I attain Self-Realization according to Ramana Maharshi? Please read that and see which part is unscientific.

Spirituality according to Advaita Vedanta is nothing but Science and it is the greatest antidote that is urgently required for all the today’s woes of the world as well as stress experienced by individuals.

Advaita makes us better human beings and adopted rightly, we could become great professionals too.

So the bottom line is to start reading Vedanta text books right away, understand and live what has been learnt.

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