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Mahavakya Viveka

Mahavakyas are the “ Great Sentences ” contained in the 4 Upanishads that belong to 4 different Vedas. Each sentence by itself contains the essence of all the Upanishads. Shuka Rahasya Upanishad exclusively deliberates on these “ Great Sayings ” and conveys that they should be deeply understood a…

What is Brahm or Brahman or Atman as per Advaita Vedanta?

Brahman is indescribable . Wish me luck because I am going to do the exact opposite by trying to describe Brahman in great detail. Is Brahman some kind of energy? According to the Advaita Vedanta ,…
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Attaining Self-Realisation - Ramana Maharshi's Instructions

From our book " Pearls of Vedic Wisdom to Succeed " I have extracted the description of a simple two step process to practice and finally attain Self-Realisation . It incorporates the essen…
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How can Brahman be everywhere and in everything?

It will be easy to understand the concept that “ Brahman can be everywhere and in everything ” if we consider Brahman as Energy . I am not speculating here. The word Shakti (Energy) is used in Svet…
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Brahman is Satcitananda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss)

Sat-Chit-Ananda are NOT qualities of Brahman / Atman rather it is what Brahman “ IS ” and NOT what Brahman “ HAS ”. Brahman does not “ have ” any qualities (Guna) and hence it is Nirguna . Great A…
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Atma Shakti

Yes . Atma is a Shakti meaning Energy according to the scriptures and is present in every cell of our body. Advaita Vedanta has independently asserted that Atma pervades the entire body, is the …
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Atma is Immortal and Eternal

Yes . As per Advaita Vedanta , Atma is immortal and eternal . Atma is Energy according to Advaita The first part of the “ law of conservation of energy ” states that, " Energy can neither be c…
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Cognitive Science and Advaita Vedanta

Advaita Vedanta is nothing but Cognitive Science which is the study of the nature of the mind, its functions, the process of thinking and the generation of thoughts. Advaita Philosophy is mainly b…
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